The Buick Human Highlight Reel is a partnership between Buick and the NCAA and is inspired by their Human Achievement platform and executed through the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program.

It started with a simple idea: find stories that inspire us and share them with the world. From a former star player making a difference for three million kids around the world or a swimmer who turns his NCAA success into a chance to change lives–every cause, every person, and every contribution is a testament to the power of human achievement. By offering our support to further these causes and ideas, Buick and the NCAA are celebrating the next generation of achievers.

Passionate fan engagement with the NCAA presented an opportunity for Buick to leverage the excitement of March Madness, while creating a unique social experience that allowed Buick to engage fans when they were already online… to start conversations and introduce the NCAA audience to the Buick Human Highlight Reel.

The program centered around numerous powerful athlete stories, each bringing to life real world challenges and the passion, sacrifice, and humanity to overcome them.

Dedicated Facebook tabs, video galleries, badge app, branded Foursquare page, influencers, Twitter feeds and a Samaritan’s Feet donation’s were just some of the many ways exposure was amplified. The result, 46 million impressions, Nielsen ranked Buick as the number one earned media Band of the tournament and ultimately a 2011 Effie.